" Helen " dalam kenangan

The name Helen is typically given to girls. It originates from Greek use and means light-ray or sun light. Variations of the name incorporate Helena, Helene and Elaine.

The most renowned individual named Helen is Helen of Troy, from the Greek myth of the Trojan War. Helen was said to be the daughter of the Greek god Zeus himself. She was described as so stunning that her “kidnapping” was what “launched a thousand ships.” The truth was she slipped off with Prince Paris of Troy. It was a convenient excuse for her husband, the Spartan King Menelaus, to go to war against hated Troy. His brother Agamemnon marshaled troops from all the leaders of Greece, as they had vowed to retrieve Helen if she was ever kidnapped.

Several Americans know the story of Helen Keller. She became blind and death, right after an illness in infancy. In the course of the late 1800s, this was a sentence to a life of complete dependence. But Helen’s family did not give up on her, and they enlisted the support of Alexander Graham Bell. He directed them to a well-known blind-death institute. Former student, Anne Sullivan, became Helen’s teacher and a lifetime friendship ensued. Helen Keller became the fist blind-death woman to earn a Bachelors degree. She became a writer, suffragist, pacifist, and champion for men and women with disabilities.

Helen Hunt is a well-known American actress with several tv and movie roles to her credit. She won an Academy Award Oscar for Best Actress for As Very good as It Gets. She also won an Emmy and Golden Globe that very same year, creating her one of only two actresses to have carried out so. Her other notable roles contain Bobby, Mad About You , and St. Elsewhere. She also has many credits for directing and screen-writing.

Helen Clark is a famous politician. She was the Prime Minister of New Zealand, serving three terms, from 1999 to 2009. She is at present the third highest ranking member of the United Nations. She holds the post of Administrator. She also chairs the United Nations Development Group, which is in charge of a number of funding initiatives for developing nations. Helen Clark was named in 2008 as the twentieth most potent woman in the world by Forbes magazine. Her numerous accomplishments also consist of awards and honorary degrees.

Helen Child is a effective enterprise woman. She is head of one of the largest pre-paid pay and account firms in the world, G-T-P. Several corporations contract with her organization for their financial-based services. Helen Child built the organization from ground up, beginning with an original team of eight. There are now over fifty. Business trade publication PayBefore names her as 1 of the “Top 10 Females of Prepaid.â€

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