The best exercise to shrink the stomach and thighs are the Stepping. Raise both legs in full (do not tiptoe) up the stairs / jingklik a 20-30cm height then lower your legs as far as 20-30cm (do not tiptoe) from the edge of the stairs. Do as much as 50x or 5 minutes then rest and do it again.
Additional exercises are crunches and stretch your body before and after exercise. Sit ups for toning the stomach, not shrink. So wrote the stomach could still big but tight if held. Here's how to shrink belly fat:
how to shrink the stomach buncit1. Drinking waterIf abdominal fullness caused by water storage, you can actually reduce the problem by drinking more water. This will dilute the concentration of sodium in the body thereby increasing the amount of water coming out of the system. Drinking more water also ensures the effective functioning gall to remove waste products. Do not change water consumption during a diet since many materials are difficult to digest and can cause stomach bubble.
2. Eat slowlyAvoid fast food, because when you swallow too quickly, at least restrained air in the intestine and form a gas that can lead to abdominal distention. Always sit down when eating and chew food slowly. Food is not chewed into small pieces can not be digested properly which then produces many gases that cause inflation.
3. Reduce salt intakeToo much salt in your diet add extra sodium to the mechanism that slows the body fluids so that push water out of cells. As a result the stomach feel full and bloated.
4. Consumption of fiber rightFiber is an important element in the diet, but to compensate for the water retention that causes bubbles, eat fiber in fruits such as apples and pears that have a lot of water content.
5. Supervise treatmentExpanding belly is the side effects of drug consumption. Aspirin sometimes causes problems that lead to constipation and abdominal distension, including the contraceptive pill.
6. Avoid constipationConstipation is defined as having fewer than three bowel movements in a week or if the tension involved. As a result of stomach feels great to add. To stimulate the bowels, increase consumption of fiber from fruits and vegetables, do it gradually to avoid fermentation and excessive gas production.
7. SportExercise will help move the fluid in the abdomen that can cause major stomach by pushing it out of the network and enter the blood stream where it will dilkeluarkan as sweat or brought into the bile to be removed as urine. Suggested among other sports aerobics.
Shrink the stomach, arms, thighs and calves
How to shrink the stomach:1. Do not get used immediately after eating or tidur2an baring2.2. Sit-up exercise before you sleep for 5 minutes every day.3. Drink plenty of water.4. Breathing exercises before and after sleeping for 5 minutes every day5. Hanging up exercises
How to shrink sleeves:1. Frequent exercising with barbells.2. Avoid fatty foods3. Push-up exercises before going to bed five minutes every day.
How to shrink your thighs and calves:1. Drink plenty of water.2. A lot of practice running or jogging every morning or afternoon.3. You can also exercise running in place at least 10 minutes every day.4. Let the results of more ok again please airobic fitness center or gym.
Good luck ... good luck ...
Additional exercises are crunches and stretch your body before and after exercise. Sit ups for toning the stomach, not shrink. So wrote the stomach could still big but tight if held. Here's how to shrink belly fat:
how to shrink the stomach buncit1. Drinking waterIf abdominal fullness caused by water storage, you can actually reduce the problem by drinking more water. This will dilute the concentration of sodium in the body thereby increasing the amount of water coming out of the system. Drinking more water also ensures the effective functioning gall to remove waste products. Do not change water consumption during a diet since many materials are difficult to digest and can cause stomach bubble.
2. Eat slowlyAvoid fast food, because when you swallow too quickly, at least restrained air in the intestine and form a gas that can lead to abdominal distention. Always sit down when eating and chew food slowly. Food is not chewed into small pieces can not be digested properly which then produces many gases that cause inflation.
3. Reduce salt intakeToo much salt in your diet add extra sodium to the mechanism that slows the body fluids so that push water out of cells. As a result the stomach feel full and bloated.
4. Consumption of fiber rightFiber is an important element in the diet, but to compensate for the water retention that causes bubbles, eat fiber in fruits such as apples and pears that have a lot of water content.
5. Supervise treatmentExpanding belly is the side effects of drug consumption. Aspirin sometimes causes problems that lead to constipation and abdominal distension, including the contraceptive pill.
6. Avoid constipationConstipation is defined as having fewer than three bowel movements in a week or if the tension involved. As a result of stomach feels great to add. To stimulate the bowels, increase consumption of fiber from fruits and vegetables, do it gradually to avoid fermentation and excessive gas production.
7. SportExercise will help move the fluid in the abdomen that can cause major stomach by pushing it out of the network and enter the blood stream where it will dilkeluarkan as sweat or brought into the bile to be removed as urine. Suggested among other sports aerobics.
Shrink the stomach, arms, thighs and calves
How to shrink the stomach:1. Do not get used immediately after eating or tidur2an baring2.2. Sit-up exercise before you sleep for 5 minutes every day.3. Drink plenty of water.4. Breathing exercises before and after sleeping for 5 minutes every day5. Hanging up exercises
How to shrink sleeves:1. Frequent exercising with barbells.2. Avoid fatty foods3. Push-up exercises before going to bed five minutes every day.
How to shrink your thighs and calves:1. Drink plenty of water.2. A lot of practice running or jogging every morning or afternoon.3. You can also exercise running in place at least 10 minutes every day.4. Let the results of more ok again please airobic fitness center or gym.
Good luck ... good luck ...
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