3 Reasons To Take A Mini Holiday

Do you take mini holidays? While the idea of taking 3 weeks off sounds great, the problem is that most of us only get one 3 week holiday a year. One holiday a year can be very few and far between and most people feel totally burned out by June.

The idea of a mini holiday is quite simple. By extending a weekend with one day before and one day after the weekend you can get quite a decent mini holiday going. You can combine these with public holidays or take them on their own. Regardless of how you do it, it has some great advantages. Here are just 3 reasons to do it.
1. Breaks up the year.
As I mentioned earlier, taking just one holiday per year can be a very long wait and you can be totally trained by the time your annual leave turns up. By taking 3 or 4 smaller holidays throughout the year you can really break up the year and ease the pain of working all the time.
2. Helps you relax and unwind.
While there are many ways to relax and unwind from the stresses and strains of daily living, nothing is as effective as getting away. When you really leave your daily environment you really get the opportunity to truly relax and forget about everything that stresses you out. A mini holiday is more than enough time to get you out of your daily routine and to get away.
3. Can be very economical.
Mini holidays can be very inexpensive. Going away during peak season is always expensive. Its when all hotels and resorts hike their prices. Taking mini breaks during and throughout the year can help you to capitalize on some of the cheaper out-of-season prices. In some cases it can be as much as 50% cheaper which makes mini holidays a perfect way to unwind on a budget.

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