Eco-Friendly Coffee Mugs

The newest fad of the day is all about going green and being environmentally aware. This means using environmentally friendly products, cutting down on the amount of wasted energy, reusing, recycling, and other methods. The new green culture has spread into various aspects of life including transportation, clothing, cleaning products and even dog toys. With this said, it is no surprise that companies have begin to target the items that we use to eat and drink.

Many people get up in the morning and grab themselves a cup of coffee, whether it’s brewed at home or bought on the way to work. Something that people have begun to think about is whether or not coffee mugs are environmentally friendly or not. The fact is that some coffee mugs are definitely greener than others.
For example, the coffee mugs that you receive when you purchase coffee from a fast food chain are somewhat green because they are usually made out of recycled products but at the same time these are the coffee mugs you see most often in the trash and on the side of the road. Nowadays companies have come up with even better materials to use to make coffee mugs that are not only recycled but those that are biodegradable in the case that they are discarded improperly.
Glass coffee mugs are environmentally friendly because they can be reused over and over. Though they are not biodegradable, it is rare that you see a glass coffee mug being thrown out on a daily basis. Of course, there are greener coffee mugs to use but glass works perfectly if you’re looking to be a big more environmentally conscious.
Green Coffee Mugs
In order to promote a healthier world companies have began to make green coffee mugs that are recyclable, reusable, and biodegradable. This is done in hopes that more people will shift towards using these types of coffee mugs as opposed to the normal plastic or Styrofoam ones that are oh so popular in restaurants and in the work place.
Coffee mugs can be environmentally friendly though it heavily relies on the material that is used to make the coffee mug. Be sure that if you’re looking to go green that the coffee mug you choose is still as durable and safe as normal ones. With environmentally coffee mugs you can drink a cup each morning knowing that you’re doing well for the earth. is a large distribution company based in Miami, Florida. They are web-based and factory-direct which allows them to keep prices lower than the rest of the competition. They also have a huge selection of promotional products from backpacks and glassware to pens and coffee mugs

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