How to Learn to Communicate As a Teen Using Your Senses

While everyone makes use of all the sense systems, each of us has a primary sense system, one that dominates and through which we learn and take in information. Visual people "see" things. They prefer images and use their "mind's eye" frequently. Audio people "hear" things. They prefer to receive information in the form of sounds. Kinesthetic people "feel" things. They prefer to be able to interact with their environment in order to learn and take in information.

Consider a walk in the forest. Three people, each with a different primary sense system, go on this walk. One is visual, one is audio, and one is kinesthetic. When they come back from their walk they are asked to describe it. The visual person talks about how the sunlight shone through the branches of the trees and dappled the forest floor in patches of light and how he saw birds flitting through the trees overhead. The audio person describes the sounds of the birds, the sound of breeze blowing through the trees, and the sound of the babbling brook. The kinesthetic person talks about the feel of the water in the brook on her bare feet and how the gentle breeze felt nice on her skin.

You might be wondering why it is so important to know what your primary sense system is. Well, there are a couple of VERY good reasons for this. One is that it can help you when you study and do your school work or learning in any other type of environment. When you know what your primary sense system is you will be able to do things that will help the information stick better in your mind. If you are a visual person, then you will be able to draw diagrams and use other ways to visually represent the work, ways that will help you remember and understand it better. If you are audio, then you will know that perhaps reading something out loud, recording yourself, and playing back might be an effective way to retain information. The point is that you need to know your primary sense system in order to improve your retention and your school grades. The second reason is that when you know your primary sense system as well as know how to pick up other's primary sense system, you can really communicate better and have a more positive relationship with your family, friends and associates.

Consider this when trying to determine your primary sense system:

When you make an important decision you:

1. Go with your gut feeling ( kinesthetic)

2. Go with what sounds best to you (auditory)

3. Go with what looks like the best choice (visual)
Rachael Mah is a Master Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Practioner and Coach. Rachael's passion is to help parents and teachers to coach their children and students to succeed in life as individuals. Please visit and for details.

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