How to Play the Guitar in a Flash

Here are some tips to help learn to play the guitar in the shortest time possible.
1. Rehearse
Practice is not about the quota of time you spend playing the guitar. Rehearse is all about your consistency. Practicing everyday for at least 30 minutes is way more beneficial than practicing for 5 hours non-stop once a week. This is especially right for beginners. In the wake of your lesson, rehearse on your own for thirty minutes. Then repeat everyday until you get used of the instrument. Practicing for short duration of time allows you to rest between sessions and relax. This gives you time to rest your fingers and visualize those finger positions. Beginners also get frustrated easily when practicing singly, so to clear off bad vibes, rehearse for brief periods of time.
2. Warm up
Athletes always stretch their muscles before any games or practices, and you should do the same. Start with the scales. This will also give you time to tune your guitar. These aids ease out the kinks in your hands and fingers and also help you get in the mood for playing or studying your guitar lessons.
3. Set a goal every lesson
Before you begin lessons ask yourself what you want to accomplish and what you are going to do to accomplish this goal. It is also pertinent to remember that when you set a goal, you have to stick to it. Don't just set a goal for the sake of it. Act on it. Do it. Go for it. If you want to learn your favorite song before lessons end, then give it your very best and try to learn that song. If you want to master a certain technique then go for it. be committedBe tenacious, be dedicated, always give it your all.
5. Get together with other friends who play
Learning with other people is almost always fun. You can pick up tips, advice and techniques you won't get when you are alone. You can strum a few songs together and listen to how you sound. Also interacting with other guitar players can boost your confidence and quantify your improvements as well. It doesn't matter if you're a beginner, we all have to begin somewhere so don’t be shy. Inform your pals and play your instruments in tandem for enjoyment and leisure.
6. Do your research
Cyberspace is the most reachable place to find, pick up hints and advice, browse through tabs and songs, learn techniques, watch demos and do your research about the guitar. look out everything that you can when it comes to your choice of instrument. Everything these proficiency might not be vital during the first few weeks of learning but in the long run, you will realize that you have used that knowledge which you have gained during your research, making your classes or practice periods easier and a lot more fun.
Research should not be limited to the internet. There are great books out there which you can purchase or borrow that have instructions or pointers about the guitar. William Leavitt's Modern Method for Guitar Volume 1 is a great starter book for beginners who want to learn about to read notes. Plus books have the advantage of always being available, handy and always online. So add books, magazines and other media sources with your research.
7. Love the Guitar
You can only master to play the guitar or any other instrument if you love what you do. It doesn’t matter if you rehearse diligently, warm up before playing, research until your eyes ache, hang out with friends to play or set goals. If you don't want what you are doing, you won't make it. rehearse, study and jam sessions with pals are like plants which can only bear fruit if that plant is constantly nurtured with love. So love the guitar. If you would rather play the piano or violin, then learn to love those as well. If you don't then it might be best to look another hobby.

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